Sigma Delta Sigma chapter was founded on May 6, 2019 after a 13 month process to qualify for chartering. The journey required the chapter to follow the mandates per the international constitution to obtain a charter, as well as following the stipulations from our Regional Director, Brother Roy Edmonds, to make sure the brothers had the proper infrastructure in place to not only form a chapter but be sustainable and viable for growth into the future.
On, February 23, 2019, at the GA State Conference, the proposal was presented to the all of the chapters of the state to provide their recommendation to support the chapter formation. After answering questions from the brothers of the state, the question was asked of the delegates and they voted yes to recommend we be granted a chapter.
Brother Edmonds sent the recommendation to the Regional Board and the board voted in the affirmative for the charter to be granted. On May 6, 2019 the paper work and fees were presented to the International General Board. The General Board deliberated and voted to grant the charter and designated the chapter be named Sigma Delta Sigma Chapter. The chapter would be chartered in Woodstock GA.
We thank God for these 19 brothers who saw the vision and had the stamina to keep pushing for our goals. We also appreciate the Brothers of the State of GA who showed faith in us to become a viable chapter and our goal is to never let them down. All in the name of SIGMA!
The charter members are:
- Lance Bilbrew
- Chester Butts
- Brenden Flannigan
- Bishop Stephen Hall
- Isaac Charles Hamilton
- Larry James
- Desmond Johnson
- Alexis Lee
- Kenneth G. Love
- Sam Mitchell
- James O. Morris
- Justin Nevile
- Randy Samuels
- Jonathan S. Thomas
- Carlton White II
- Steven Yates
- Mitchell L. Burley
- Derrick Gordon
- John Michael Kelsey

Chapter Presidents
- Kenneth G. Love 2019 – 2022
- Lance Bilbrew 2023 – Current
Chapter Initiates
Summer 2021 (It Takes Two!)

- Tarrell Mitchell – Whiz
- Dr. Brian Keith Hodges – Slik
Summer 2022 (3 Dimensions)

- Dwight Eberhart – The Representative
- Keyonn Wilson – Blank
- Darryll Jones – Block
Spring 2024 (The ProfeΣΣionals)

- Amaru Holloway “1st ImpreΣΣionΣ”
- Russell Jeter III “The ΣtrategiΣt The Third”
- Tyler Gibbs “Tech Σavvy”
- Levince Dorvil “Jet Σetter”
- Bryant Tate, Jr. “5 JobΣ”